Posts for Tag: X

Mastering the Art of Growing Your X Account

So, you've decided to grow your X account and become a force to be reckoned with. Good call! Growing an account takes a mix of strategy, consistency, and a bit of finesse. Let's dive into how you can do it effectively without turning it into a full-time job.

First things first, you've got to optimize your profile. Think of it as dressing for success. Subscribe to X Blue for those extra perks, upload a sharp headshot, and create a cover that screams, "I'm here to make an impact." Don't forget to link your landing pages in your bio, but steer clear of linking your X business account directly – you want to keep it personal yet professional.

Now, let's talk about followers and the following ratios. The X algorithm loves to play matchmaker based on user behavior. Keep your follower list clean: unfollow anyone who doesn't follow you back and those who don't post content relevant to your niche. Follow accounts with a solid follower count but don't follow many themselves – these are the movers and shakers.

Engagement is your best friend on X. Make a list of followers who consistently engage with your content and reciprocate. Also, keep tabs on accounts of your size that post daily, and be bold in engaging with the big players in your field. But remember, focus less on new accounts and more on established ones that can boost your visibility.

Regarding time allocation, consider it a workout routine for your account. Dedicate 30-40 minutes daily, with a balanced split: 30% creating content, 20% engaging with big accounts, 20% replying to your followers, and 30% handling notifications. Always aim to give more than you take—it's the secret to building a loyal community.

Let's not forget the power of visual content. Images and videos are eye-catching, so use them whenever possible. Rename your files with relevant keywords before uploading. For example, if you're targeting startup founders, include those keywords in your file names. Content with numbers tends to perform better—it's all about that visual punch.

Your post structure should be a slippery slide that keeps readers hooked until the end. Keep it brief but impactful. Sprinkle in a few keywords naturally and focus on topics you're passionate about. Authenticity is critical; share your unique perspective and let your personality shine through.

When it comes to links and hashtags, tread carefully. External links can shadow-ban your post, so stick them in the comments instead. Limit yourself to one hashtag to train the algorithm to recognize and boost your content. For instance, using "buildinpublic" frequently can help you reach the right audience.

The first hour after posting is crucial. To prevent splitting your impressions, avoid engaging with other accounts' posts three hours before and after you post. After posting, reply to comments and add flair with gifs or images.

In the next 24 hours after posting, if your post is gaining traction, hold off on posting anything new. The algorithm likes to give your content some breathing room. If you must post again, ensure there's at least a six-hour gap.

Growing your X account is a marathon, not a sprint. With these strategies, you're increasing your numbers and building a community that values what you bring. Ready to take your X game to the next level? Let's get started!

I made a ShowNotes about how I am going about this for my account. You are welcome to check out the notes here: